Some links I like
Mostly about books, writing,  reading, and polo. Some chapbooks and personal journals, as I find 'em. No political crap; it wears me out. Alphabetical so as not to enrage all the non-firsts. Let me know about yours. The Northern Lights on webcam. It's the next best thing to being there "Diary of a Baby Killer's Baby." Her father's Vietnam duty is Kim's subject. One of her subjects, that is. The other - which she's edging nearer to, all the time - is herself My friend, the mail artist, self publisher, and dashing raconteur  Gianni Simone runs this. Check him out Our latter-day Thoreau is a ... is a Zen girl. Marvelous photography too. How does she write so much? She's funny, she's strange, she is my friend. I'm not as interesting as some of her other friends but, you know, I'm on the list Real literary meat, without so much of the postmodern, hyper-ironic stupidity that runs rampant now. (You know what I'm talking about and, yeah, I'm a crank. So what) Friends, Romans, countrymen (artists & writers): You'll want to spend some time at Melinda's place Josh Saitz's scaldingly funny zine about his life and good times A smorgasbord of DIY projects and intriguing links I don't know much about her personally, but ... wait a minute. Yes I do. Read this. It's addictive Prolific Bay Area writer Annalee Newitz delves deep into our "culture" Jack Saunders, who should be a legend in his own time (and, to me, is). Talk about stamina Laurie Seidler, writer and editor extraordinaire, has put together a mighty fine litmag. I'm privileged to appear in it. Apparently I'm some sort of editor there, too

email me Fine, funny, and startlingly honest. Get her books. All of them. Anneli called my writing "lissome and full of surprises." (Gotta love a woman who makes you look words up)